KIRKWALL CATHEDRAL . ORKNEY . ST MUNGO – Pictoric Sundial / Momento Mori c1673

St Mungo . Kirkwall . Orkney – Grave slab with stylised memorial dial for Patrick Prince d. 1673



This image of a dial appears on a grave slab that is now mounted on the interior south wall of the nave alongside many other such slabs. It is one of a number of symbols associated with death, carved in relief. The symbols are in a central panel between upper and lower panels containing text. The dial is illustrative / symbolic only and is roughly square, with hour lines radiating downwards from the top.


The image represents Death breaking the urn of Life with an arrow. A flame bursts forth from the punctured vessel, from the tip of which the soul flies away in a northwesterly direction. An hour-glass with the sand run out, a sun-dial, two spades, and a coffin complete the doleful ideogram. The grave slab is for Patrick Prince, died 1673.

GSS Category: Scratch Dial; Cathedral Dial; Church Dial; Dial inside church

PHOTOS: All photos John Renner, with many thanks; Cathedral Stevekeiretsu Wiki OS CC; Print from Cathedral Guide


PATRICK PRINCE link for the slab text no longer works, but I’ll add if I can locate another