St Margaret & St Andrew . Littleham . Devon – Robert Cornford OS / CC


GRADE II* ✣ Recorded from 1139; present building has C13 origins (chancel); 14th-century arcades; then Perpendicular with subsequent rebuilding and C19 restorations (Fulford). Resting place of Viscountess Nelson.

I have not visited the church myself, but Ian Logan contacted me about the vertical dial on the apex of the church porch. I have written this post around the dial, however Ian has produced an excellent detailed description of the church and its history that I highly commend.


          St Margaret & St Andrew . Littleham . Devon – Ian Logan

St Margaret & St Andrew . Littleham . Devon

BSS record: A stone dial, rather crude in execution and in poor condition, is mounted on the church porch. It is about 600mm square and shows the hours VI – Vl undivided. Although the numerals look as though they are aligned with the hour lines, the hour lines themselves have disappeared. The church leaflet says that the dial dates from 1780.

St Margaret & St Andrew . Littleham . Devon


There is an older dial – a scratch dial – on the right hand side of the porch doorway, probably C15. It is in poor condition, but there are 7 discernible lines radiating from the gnomon hole in the dial stone. These are two quite old photos of the dial (BSS). If anyone can provide a clear recent photo, it would be very welcome as an addition!

The ‘dawn’ line is now a prominent cleft in the damaged dial stone. The cluster of lines at and beyond noon LRQ indicate the most important part of the day for observance (none in canonical terms).

St Margaret & St Andrew . Littleham . Devon – Scratch Dial


This is an ideal place to use the wonderful drawing skills of Mrs Crowley to illustrate the vertical dial and scratch dial together. I have managed to obtain a copy of the comprehensive book of her Devon and Cornwall dial drawings, a work of wonder for dial-ologists.

GSS Category: Vertical Dial (1780); Scratch Dial

Credits: Keith Salvesen (photos); Ian Logan (photo, research); The Parish History Group (interesting and informative leaflet)

BRANSCOMBE . DEVON . ST WINIFRED – Scratch Dials & ‘ Sun-Clock’


GRADE I ✣ Saxon origins (c995?) perhaps on pagan site; Norman with continuing development. Vicars recorded from 1269. Careful restorations. Among the oldest and most architecturally significant parish churches of Devon SJ. A lovely location, concealed from potential marauders from the sea. Of great interest both inside and out; a church to explore thoroughly. The Church Guide (40pp) is excellent. Midway between Sidmouth and Seaton. 50.6902 /  -3.1403 / SY195884


There are three completely different dials. Dial 1 is a linear dial thought to be unique in Britain, with a buttress acting as gnomon. Dial 2, cut on the lintel of a blocked doorway, may be Saxon. Dial 3 is relatively conventional and located high on E corner quoin of the chancel.


This remarkable dial is not circular but linear, and is thought to be unique. Roman numerals are cut in an approximate row along the chancel wall, so that the chancel buttress acts a gnomon casting a shadow that moves across the longitudinal numbers. XI is obscured behind the drainpipe.

VI, VII and VIII are thought to be original numerals; IX, X and XI are larger and later. The Guide to the church describes this dial as a ‘sun-clock’, which is surely a more appropriate and accurate name for it than ‘scratch dial’, and reflects its uniqueness.



There is another notable ‘buttress gnomon’ dial of a different kind at St Mary the Virgin, Iffley. It has 4 vertical incisions in a row, a compact marker of the passage of the day. Presumably it was designed to focus seasonally on the significant part of the day for Mass.


Incised in the grey stone lintel of a blocked doorway believed to be Saxon. Unusual in that it has 6 lines (2 on the horizontal) cut almost with vertical symmetry, with no visible noon line. The 2 deeper cuts RHS suggest the time of day for the main Mass (None). The gnomon hole is big, perhaps enlarged at a later date. The BSS record includes the note Late Saxon / Norman? Originally on earlier church?


A more familiar dial design high on a quoin stone at E end of chancel. There are 7 lines within a double circle. BSS notes that it has been re-sited, the top of the dial being on an adjacent stone. The gnomon is filled in a rectangle. Again, the two deeper cut afternoon lines suggest None as the main Mass time.


If you climb the stairs, as you surely will during your visit, you will find plenty of graffiti, much of it overpainted with long-weathered whitewash.

GSS Category: Scratch Dial; Mass Dial; Sun-clock; Unique Linear Sundial; Buttress as Gnomon; Medieval Graffiti

All photos Keith Salvesen; Drawings from Church & BSS


The Sundial, Rosemoor Gardens, Devon.


Renowned RHS gardens near Torrington, Devon. It’s a wonderful place. You can find out all about it HERE. For present purposes, the focus is on the very fine sundial installed in the gardens in 2004. This is a project of the BRITISH SUNDIAL SOCIETY and the description below is from the BSS record:

This is an unusual dial in the form of a triangular section pillar made of Delabole slate and 1820mm high. It was designed by Sir Mark Lennox-Boyd and made by Ben Jones. It carries a motto on the 610mm diameter slate base ‘But only in time can the moment in the rose-garden be remembered’ (T.S.Eliot, modified from a passage in Burnt Norton, the first of the Four Quartets).

On two of the faces are pairs of declining dials one above the other. The upper ones are drawn for December to June and the lower ones for June to December. The hour lines are corrected for the Equation of Time.There are three declination lines on each dial. Arabic numerals are used and the dials show BST. The easterly dial shows 5:30am to 1:30pm in half and quarter hours while the westerly dial shows 12:30pm to 9:30pm similarly divided. The north dial has dedications to V M Dickinson, M J C Wright, H Addy and R Addy.



Images taken from the designer’s magisterial book Sundials: History, Art, People, Science. The design below seems an excellent example of art meeting science.

GSS Category: Pillar Dial; Modern Sundial; Pillar Sundial

Credits: Photos by John Renner; material from the book by Mark Lennox-Boyd; British Sundial Society