SANDFORD ORCAS MANOR . DORSET . Horizontal Dial (Nairne & Blunt); Armillary Sphere

Sandford Orcas Manor . Som. (Dukes)

The entire contents of Sandford Orcas Manor, a fine example of country house Tudor, have been auctioned following 4 days of viewings. The sale has generated much interest and excitement both locally and well beyond. Such a complete disposal – even the family Bible (1702) was included – is quite rare. The house dates from mid C16 and has been in the same family for 300 years. It has a reputation for being ‘the most haunted house in England‘. The task of gathering statistics to support this proposition must have been a nightmare.

Two sundials were sold and are now removed from the property. One is a conventional garden dial, gnomon-less, on a baluster stone pedestal. The other is an armillary sphere grandly resting on a substantial triple plinth and supported by a tall ironwork obelisk.


Edward Nairne and Thomas Blunt established themselves in London as scientific instrument makers. They worked together between 1774 and 1793 and this dial must be from that period.


GSS Categories: Horizontal Sundial; Garden Sundial; Pedestal Dial; Armillary Sphere

All photos Keith Salvesen except header, Dukes Auctioneers

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